It is moving recruits! Small skit that is reminiscent génialissime "Full Metal Jacket".
"You m'frez the term in the little sucking milk ass!"
Source : Jonathan Gilbert
Lego Diorama – Entrenched American Camp
Superb diorama of Chris Woolsey who perfectly transcribes the “cache game” between American troops and Vietcongs. The presence of the "Huey" adds a dimension to the scene. The American combat helicopter has become a symbol of this conflict due to all the missions carried out (troop transport, medical support, heavy weapon support ...). The veterans squad is also magnificent. Source: Chris Woolsey +10-1
9th Cavalry Regiment - Apocalypse Now
Let's continue in war films with Apocalypse Now and its famous 9th Cavalry. Very nice squad of this unit in Lego MOC format. +20
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