I love YAZYAS, even if his name is hard to pronounce. It is the first to have a minifig customization of the national gendarmerie. A favorite for the kepi that particular mastery. The coat is also very clean is well detailed.
The cap is also well made. I hope to have the chance one day to publish on this site a little interview with YAZYAS so that he can tell us some of his secrets
Enough nonsense, here is the gallery:
Update: A version with a Gendarme riot helmet & baton to complete his gallery!
Sources :
Lego Transport Troop Russian BTR-80
The BTR-80 is an 8×8 wheeled amphibious armored personnel carrier designed in the USSR. It was adopted in 1986 and replaced the previous vehicles, the BTR-60 and BTR-70, in the Soviet Army. He was deployed during the Soviet war in Afghanistan. Seven firing hatches specially designed for AK 47s are present on the sides. In the event of an ambush, infantrymen can insert their assault weapons into these trapdoors and return fire while remaining safe. The traps are very simple to use, infantrymen simply insert their weapons horizontally and, once inside, straighten them vertically to clip the weapon into a ring. Once clipped, the weapon pivots on a spherical bearing which provides great maneuverability and also great precision because the weapon is less likely to rear up when fired. Source: Александр Сурков +50
Lego Humwee M1151
The M1151 is an upgraded version of the standard Humvee (HMMWV) used by the United States Armed Forces. The HMMWV M1151 has a heavier chassis and its engine is upgraded to support additional armor thickness. It is built on an enlarged capacity vehicle chassis, which can accommodate more passengers or supplies. +3-2
Lego Oshkosh M-ATV
The Oshkosh M-ATV is a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle (MRAP) developed by the Oshkosh Corporation of Oshkosh, Wisconsin for the MRAP All Terrain Vehicle (M-ATV) program. +15-1
Instructions / Tutorial Hummer H1 Lego
A version of the Hummer H1 LegoHaulic. One of the most popular versions on the canvas, but relatively complex! Source: Tyler - Legoholic
Ah well, my friend is famous! :p yeah I approached it closely
PS: for the interview, I am his agent… you have to contact me lol
Is this for sale I would like to buy it
Hello, unfortunately no, these are Legos made by artists. But you can try making your own versions!
Hello, I would like to know if you made the gendarmerie figurines for sale because I have been looking for some for a long time, if so, what are the figures, thank you
Bonjour ,
I would be very interested to know if you sell these figurines? I would like to offer one of them but cannot find one in stores. The gendarme and his cap are truly magnificent!
Hello, I am a Belgian police officer. Is it possible to buy?
Thank you
Hello, my son being a mobile gendarme in Bayonne, is husband in July 2025 I am looking for a mobile gendarme in Lego or even Playmobil not high it is for the wearing of alliances on a flower cushion
Hello, unfortunately there are no LEGO gendarme versions on the market. The easiest way would be to make a "house".